Mapping distribution of suitable habitats for oysters in Galway Bay Date: 29/02/2024 Blue Economy Ирландия
OSERIT as an assessment tool aligned with the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Date: 29/02/2024 Blue Economy Белгия
Warning system for land-based pollution in the Romanian coastal area Date: 08/01/2024 Blue Economy Румъния
CONNECT Tagus – water quality and extreme water levels in the Tagus Estuary Date: 08/01/2024 Climate Change Португалия
An Operational model for monitoring shallow waters in the Curonian Lagoon and the Southeast Baltic Sea coasts Date: 08/01/2024 Blue Economy Литва
Trends in hydrodynamic parameters in the southern North Sea Date: 08/01/2024 Blue Economy Нидерландия
Disko Bay ocean and sea ice forecast for short term planning and decision-making Date: 08/01/2024 Blue Economy Дания
Ocean Plastic Alert & Tracking system : calculating drift using Copernicus Marine Date: 19/12/2023 Blue Economy Франция
The role of Copernicus Services in building the I-SEAMORE ecosystem Date: 08/12/2023 Maritime Surveillance Португалия