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The application is an explorer for the Agrometeorological indicators from 1979 to present derived from reanalysis (AgERA5) dataset with a facility to download data for a selectable point location. The easy-to-use interface provides access to a wealth of data that could be used as input for most agriculture and agro-ecological models.

The AgERA5 dataset is based on bias-adjusted ERA5 data. It includes daily aggregates of agronomic relevant elements, tuned to local day definitions and adapted to the finer topography, finer land use pattern and finer land-sea delineation of the ECMWF HRES operational model. The elements cover temperature, precipitation, snow depth, humidity, cloud cover and radiation. These variables match the input needs of most agriculture and agro-ecological models.

The interactive map displays global maps with a layer for each selected variable and optional layers for cities, lakes, state/province borders and country borders to assist in navigation. Users can also use the snapshot tool to take an image of the visible area of the map.

Clicking at any location on the map with visible data or searching a city in the search bar will produce a time-series for the selected variables. The time-series data can be downloaded in comma separated variables (.csv) format if the user agrees to the Copernicus licence. The resolution of the point selection is set to 0.1° which matches the spatial resolution of the underlying data. In the case of city selection, the 0.1° grid cell closest to the city coooridinates is extracted.

User-selectable parameters

  • Year: 1979 to Present
  • Variable: See input variables table below
The units listed here are the units provided in the source data, these may be different to what is used in the application which has been optimised for visualisation purposes.
Name Units Description Source
2m temperature K Air temperature at a height of 2 metres above the surface. Agrometeorological indicators
2m relative humidity % Relative humidity at 06h, 09h, 12h. 15h, 18h (local time) at a height of 2 metres above the surface. This variable describes the amount of water vapour present in air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation at the same temperature. Agrometeorological indicators
2m dewpoint temperature K Mean dewpoint temperature at a height of 2 metres above the surface over the period 00h-24h local time. The dew point is the temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated with water vapor. In combination with the air temperature it is used to assess relative humidity. Agrometeorological indicators
Precipitation flux mm day-1 Total volume of liquid water (mm3) precipitated over the period 00h-24h local time per unit of area (mm2), per day. Agrometeorological indicators
Cloud cover Dimensionless The number of hours with clouds over the period 00h-24h local time divided by 24 hours. Agrometeorological indicators
10m wind speed m s-1 Mean wind speed at a height of 10 metres above the surface over the period 00h-24h local time. Agrometeorological indicators
Vapour pressure hPa Contribution to the total atmospheric pressure provided by the water vapour over the period 00-24h local time per unit of time. Agrometeorological indicators
Solar radiation flux J m-2 day-1 Total amount of energy provided by solar radiation at the surface over the period 00-24h local time per unit area and time. Agrometeorological indicators
Snow thickness cm Mean snow depth over the period 00h-24h local time measured as volume of snow (cm3) per unit area (cm2). Agrometeorological indicators
Snow thickness LWE cm Mean snow depth liquid water equivalent (LWE) over the period 00h-24h local time measured as volume of snow (cm3) per unit area (cm2) if all the snow had melted and had not penetrated the soil, runoff, or evaporated. Agrometeorological indicators
Liquid precipitation fraction Dimensionless The number of hours with precipitation over the period 00h-24h local time divided by 24 hours and per unit of area. Liquid precipitation is equivalent to the height of the layer of water that would have formed from precipitation had the water not penetrated the soil, run off, or evaporated. Agrometeorological indicators
Solid precipitation fraction Dimensionless The number of hours with solid precipitation (freezing rain, snow, wet snow, mixture of rain and snow, and ice pellets) over the period 00h-24h local time divided by 24 hours and per unit of area. Agrometeorological indicators