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This application allows users to compute and download selected daily statistics of variables from a number of hourly ERA5 datasets.

It provides users with a simple tool to obtain ERA5 data aggregated at daily frequency without having to download the original sub-daily resolution data. The ERA5 data is subset to the selected rectangular spatial region of interest and sampled at the selected frequency. Time coordinates can optionally be shifted to a selected time zone. The data is then aggregated to a daily frequency using the selected statistic and returned to the user in a single netCDF file.

User-selectable parameters

  • Dataset: the ERA5 dataset to which the variable to be processed belongs.
  • Product type: the type of the data product to be processed, as defined in the original dataset download form.
  • Variable: the variable to be processed.
  • Pressure level: the pressure level of the variable to be processed, if applicable.
  • Statistic: the statistic to use for the daily aggregations of the original data.
  • Year: the year of the data to be processed, ranging from 1979 to the last available year.
  • Month: the month of the data to be processed, up to the last available complete month.
  • Time zone: The time-shift to apply prior to sampling and calculating the daily statistics. The daily aggregation is always calculated over the 24 hours starting from 00:00:00 in the selected time zone.
  • Frequency: The frequency to sample the source data prior to calculating the daily statistics. The first selected time step of each day is always 00:00:00 in the selected timezone.
  • Grid: longitude/latitude grid resolution of the input (and output) data.
  • Geographical area: bounds of the rectangular area of the data to be processed.
Name Description Source
ERA5 pressure levels variables All variables listed in the "ERA5 hourly data on pressure levels from 1979 to present" dataset. ERA5 pressure levels
ERA5 single levels variables All variables listed in the "ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1979 to present" dataset. ERA5 single levels
ERA5-Land variables All variables listed in the "ERA5-Land hourly data from 1981 to present" dataset. ERA5-Land
Name Units Description
Daily aggregated variables As original variable Daily statistics of variables from "ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1979 to present" dataset