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Copernicus services catalogue

This catalogue contains a comprehensive list of information products relevant to the various Copernicus services. Click on the check box(es) below to access products or search by encoding relevant keywords.

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This application presents fire danger indicators for Europe, based on the Canadian Fire Weather Index System (FWI) fire danger model. This model is used by the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) standard and provides a numerical, non-dimensional rating of fire potential based exclusively on meteorological conditions favourable to the start, spread and sustainability of fires. This application presents the FWI rating for…
This data set provides complete historical reconstruction of meteorological conditions favourable to the start, spread and sustainability of fires. The fire danger metrics provided are part of a vast dataset produced by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service for the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). The European Forest Fire Information System incorporates the fire danger indices for three different models developed in…
This data set provides complete historical reconstruction of meteorological conditions favourable to the start, spread and sustainability of fires. The fire danger metrics provided are part of a vast dataset produced by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service for the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS). The European Forest Fire Information System incorporates the fire danger indices for three different models developed in…
This dataset offers modeled daily fire danger time series, driven by seasonal weather forecasts. It provides long-range predictions of meteorological conditions conducive to the initiation, spread, and persistence of fires. The fire danger metrics included in this dataset are part of an extensive dataset produced by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS) for the European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) and the Global…
This dataset provides an ensemble of forecast time series of gridded hydrological data. The data set is a product of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and offers a consistent representation of key hydrological variables across the global domain including: River discharge Soil wetness index (root zone) Snow water equivalent Runoff water equivalent (surface plus subsurface) Also…
This dataset provides gridded modelled daily hydrological time series forced with meteorological reanalysis data. The data set is a product of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and offers a consistent representation of key hydrological variables across the global domain including: River discharge Soil wetness index (root zone) Snow water equivalent Runoff water equivalent (surface plus…
This dataset provides a gridded modelled time series of river discharge, forced with medium- to sub-seasonal range meteorological reforecasts. The data is a consistent representation of a key hydrological variable across the global domain, and is a product of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS). It is accompanied by an ancillary file for interpretation that provides the upstream area (see the related variables table and associated link…
This dataset provides an ensemble of forecasted time series of gridded hydrological data forced with seasonal meteorological forecasts. The data set is a product of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS) and offers a consistent representation of key hydrological variables across the global domain including: River discharge Soil wetness index (root zone) Snow water equivalent Runoff water equivalent…
This dataset provides a gridded modelled time series of river discharge forced with seasonal range meteorological reforecasts. The data is a consistent representation of a key hydrological variable across the global domain, and is a product of the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS). It is accompanied by an ancillary file for interpretation that provides the upstream area (see the related variables table and associated link in the…
This dataset provides gridded modelled hydrological time series forced with medium-range meteorological forecasts. The data is a consistent representation of the most important hydrological variables across the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) domain. The temporal resolution is sub-daily high-resolution and ensemble forecasts of: River discharge Snow water equivalent Volumetric soil moisture for three soil…
This dataset provides gridded modelled sub-daily and daily hydrological time series forced with meteorological observations. The data set is a consistent representation of the most important hydrological variables across the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) domain. The temporal resolution is up to 30 years modelled time series of: River discharge Soil wetness index (root zone) Snow water equivalent…
This dataset provides gridded modelled hydrological time series forced with medium- to sub-seasonal range meteorological reforecasts. The data is a consistent representation of the most important hydrological variables across the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) domain. The temporal resolution is 20 years of sub-daily reforecasts initialised twice weekly (Mondays and Thursdays) of: River discharge Soil moisture for…
This dataset provides gridded modelled daily hydrological time series forced with seasonal meteorological forecasts. The dataset is a consistent representation of the most important hydrological variables across the European Flood Awareness (EFAS) domain. The temporal resolution is daily forecasts initialised once a month consisting of: River discharge Snow water equivalent Volumetric soil moisture for three…
This dataset provides modelled daily hydrological time series forced with seasonal meteorological reforecasts. The dataset is a consistent representation of the most important hydrological variables across the European Flood Awareness (EFAS) domain. The temporal resolution is daily forecasts initialised once a month from 1991 to near real-time of: River discharge Soil moisture for three soil layers Snow water…
This dataset provides hydrological seasonal forecasts of monthly mean river discharge across Europe. Two hydrological model ensembles are provided. The first is an E-HYPE multi-model system comprising eight model realisations using a catchment-based resolution. The second comprises the E-HYPEgrid, VIC-WUR and EFAS (LISFLOOD) hydrological models at a 5km gridded resolution. The initialisation of the hydrological seasonal forecast uses…
This dataset provides hydrological seasonal reforecasts of monthly mean river discharge across Europe for the period 1993 to 2016. The first is an E-HYPE multi-model system comprising eight model realisations using a catchment-based resolution. The second comprises the E-HYPEgrid, VIC-WUR and LISFLOOD-EFAS hydrological models at a 5km gridded resolution. The initialisation of the hydrological seasonal forecast uses the European Flood…
The dataset presents projections of fire danger indicators for Europe based upon the Canadian Fire Weather Index System (FWI) under future climate conditions. The FWI is a meteorologically based index used worldwide to estimate the fire danger and is implemented in the Global ECMWF Fire Forecasting model (GEFF). In this dataset, daily FWI values, seasonal FWI values, and other FWI derived, threshold-specific, indicators were modelled using…