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Copernicus Skills Programme


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The Copernicus Skills Programme has been developed by the Directorate General for Growth and Jobs under the EU Space strategy framework in order to:

  • Maximise the value of the fragmented information products and reinforce the synergies of coordinated initiatives developed by key players in the Copernicus and EO community in Europe.
  • Build a coordinated strategy on skills development around the use of Copernicus and EO data for Europe and give the support of the Commission to tackle the challenges and gaps linked to the lack of skills on space data and GIS sector.
  • Achieve awareness of the space data potentialities in the downstream sector together with digital skills development by enhancing the uptake of the Copernicus data and information products with a particular attention to academics, universities and education institutions.

The scalability of synergies is a key strategic factor driving the implementation of interdependent actions constituting the Copernicus Skills Programme, which are:

  1. Copernicus Academy Network
  2. The Building skills action with the Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) and the EIT
  3. The ERASMUS + Sectorial Skills Alliances (EO4GEO project)
  4. COSME for skills project (Eyes on Earth)
  5. H2020 project (CopHub.AC)
  6. MOOC
  7. The RUS activity entrusted to ESA (training the trainers, digital and space data manipulation skills development);

The following ones complement the above actions:

  • The Info sessions (delivery of webinars, material and workshops and networking opportunities for educational organisations);
  • The educational and training activities developed by the Entrusted Entities (MOOS, hackathon, trainings, materials);
  • The educational activities developed by Member States under the Copernicus user uptake Framework Partnership Agreement.

Key tools are available to support these actions: users' uptake outreach material, Copernicus Academy website and Copernicus Services products portfolio.