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Development and Cooperation







Thanks to its ability to address global challenges and to its free, full and open data policy, Copernicus supports EU's presence on the international scene.

In particular, it plays a growing role in the EU’s bilateral relations with international partners. Thus, an objective for Copernicus international relations is to conclude Cooperation Arrangements which can provide added-value to the EU and the partner countries in a reciprocal manner for instance through the exchange of satellite data.

Copernicus also provides opportunities for the European industry to tailor Earth observation products based on Copernicus data and information for non-European markets.


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Sudd wetland in South Soudan, Africa

(Credits: Geoville/ESA)


Extract from reference map of Meliandou, Guinea.

Original area of the Ebola crisis in 2014.

(Credits: Copernicus EMS)