New Copernicus Emergency Management User Guide
New Copernicus Emergency Management User Guide
To coincide with the release of the second phase of the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (EMS), an update to the EMS User Guide has been published to reflect changes to service and product specifications, as well as the transition from GMES to Copernicus. This activity involved a study of user requirements and incorporated recommendations from the European Commission services DG GROW, DG ECHO, DG JRC and Member States.
Based on the findings of the study, the updated Copernicus EMS User Guide contains the following documents:
Rapid Mapping Product Portfolio
Risk & Recovery Mapping Product Portfolio
There is also a dedicated brochure for EU Delegations.
Service Request Forms and Feedback Forms are available on the EMS website.
Copies of the new User Guide are available on request from GROW COPERNICUS EMS.